Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Woot Woot ... DAY 1

All I want ....
Have a WONDERFUL week!!!


  1. You're so cute! :) your first bit of weight loss is a preview of what's to come. You can so do it! Don't eat that cake! Lol. Btw at the end when you sang bye Lucas laughed. :)

  2. So the first bit of weight loss...I had 8 lbs shed before I even did anything. It was like my body said "welp we have no choice now...time to get started". LOL! If you need help with meal ideas let me know. I've been at the healthy green dinners for a while and I don't know if you're able with the Medifast or the blood clots, but when I was first starting and wanted to eat EVERYTHING, I snacked on pine nuts & 60% cacoa ghiradelli dark choc chips together. The pine nuts help curb your appetite and the choc...well it's choc but at least its heart happy :)

  3. awesome... I will have to ask about the chocolate. :)

  4. Sounds good lovie! It doesnt seem like it was terrible, seem like you handled it all pretty well today. Since it is the first day im sure you will be able to do great on your diet! After a week or two it will just become a habbit and you wont crave all those other foods. LOVE YOU!!! Your AWESOME!! keep up the good work <3
